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398 5th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215 • Between 6th & 7th Street• Phone: (718) 965-6298

Schedule a Dental Checkup with Your Park Slope Dentist

July 23, 2017

Woman receiving dental checkupDuring World War I, poor oral health was an epidemic. In fact, dental health issues were the leading cause of medical discharge for military recruits. When a team of dental professionals were tasked with finding a way to improve oral health in the US, they determined prevention was the key to success. Their recommendation was for patients to visit a dentist two times a year for dental checkups to prevent oral health issues. Today, you should still visit your Park Slope dentist at least twice a year to ensure your healthy smile lasts a lifetime.

Don’t Say Ouch When You Eat Ice Cream – Get Help for Sensitive Teeth

May 25, 2017

Young guy experiencing tooth ache due to sensitive teeth According to a 2013 study, 1 in 8 people suffers from sensitive teeth. Most common among young adults, women, and patients who suffer from gum disease, this chronic oral health condition can negatively impact every aspect of day to day life from what you’re able to eat and drink, to caring for your teeth. It’s important that patients know dental sensitivity is never the norm. If you experience any level of sensitivity, call The Dental Spa of New York team right away. We’ll help you find the best solution for your situation.

The Dentist in Park Slope Recommends Biannual Dental Checkups

July 23, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: , , , — drsapienza @ 8:19 pm

dentistDr. Sapienza and his team at the Dental Spa of New York value the opportunity to develop a relationship with patients. Of course, that’s not the only reason we enjoy your company! When you come to see us twice each year for a dental checkup, we’re better able to help you have a healthy and happy smile. Park Slope dentist Dr. Sapienza provides dental checkups that are thorough so we can develop a plan that is customized to your needs.


Smile More with Your Park Slope Cosmetic Dentist

April 7, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: , , — drsapienza @ 9:41 pm

cosmetic dentistWhen you need to repair a tooth, you should not have to sacrifice appearance for the sake of strength or longevity. That’s why Park Slope cosmetic dentist Dr. Sapienza and his staff at The Dental Spa of New York provide cosmetic dental services that are beautiful and enduring. Let’s consider some of the treatments that may be appropriate for repairing and enhancing your smile.
