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How Long Will My Fillings Last?

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsapienza @ 1:28 pm
A mirror examining a tooth

Nothing lasts forever, as they say, and that includes dental fillings. While fillings are a safe and effective way to repair tooth decay, they are not a permanent restoration and will eventually need to be replaced. Here’s what you can expect from your fillings, and how to make them last as long as possible.


Root Canal vs. Replacement: Which is Best for Me?

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsapienza @ 6:03 pm
Woman with black hair in dentist's chair holding her jaw in pain

Have you had a toothache that simply won’t go away or is growing progressively worse? Chances are that there’s an underlying oral issue, like tooth decay, that’s caused an infection or nerve damage. In many cases, a root canal is the best treatment to repair and preserve your pearly white.

Despite this, some patients wonder if it would be better to simply extract their tooth and get a replacement, like a dental implant. If you’re doubting whether a root canal is the right solution for you, keep reading to learn more about why your dentist might recommend this option, first!


Bite Back: How Your Diet Can Combat Gum Disease

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsapienza @ 11:17 pm
Healthy food that can fight gum disease

Gum disease is a serious affliction that many Americans deal with every year. While good oral hygiene plays a significant role in preventing its development, your diet can also help! Many foods contain specific nutrients that keep your teeth and gums healthy. If you’re curious what you can consume to help you bite back against gum disease, continue reading.


Teeth Whitening is the Perfect Gift for Any Occasion

December 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsapienza @ 5:30 am

Before and after teeth whiteningWhether for a birthday, graduation, or the holidays, finding the ideal present for a friend or loved one is challenging. While you could give them the newest electronic device or the latest fashion accessory, it will be outdated in just a few months. Why not give them a gift that will keep on giving? Teeth whitening can give the special person in your life a boost of confidence. Here’s why professional teeth whitening is the perfect gift for any occasion.


Beverage Blues: Is it Safe to Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

October 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drsapienza @ 6:42 pm
Pink cup of coffee with a tooth pattern in the foam on a white panel surface

Having a tooth extraction is a procedure like any other that requires appropriate aftercare to ensure you recover as fast as possible without complications. That means following the dentist’s orders in regard to diet after your surgery. If you’re like many others who rely on a daily cup of coffee just to get moving, you might have some questions. Is it safe to drink coffee after a tooth is removed? Keep reading to learn more about whether you need to wait!

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